Reverse of Medal Group |
Reference: In Oriente Primus, pg 247 and 248
NEUBRONNER G.V. (GuyVivian) Efficiency Decoration (ED)
Born 1897 KL. WW1 on Western Front. Incorporated Accountant: Assistant Evatt & Co. NTS Building, S'pore. Lieutenant SSVF 2 I/C Intelligent Platoon, POW Singapore to Thailand. Wife Olga [died in captivity, Sumatra]. He remarried 1948 Eleonar Mary Hitchon at S'pore. Post-war captain SVC. Left for UK. Wife "Nell' died Oct 1954 at Reigate. A member of BAM till 1973. Died 21 Mar 1974 Reigate, Surrey.
Wife: Neubronner Olga Mary
CMB SRN. Colonial Nursing Sister - Senior Superintendant, St. John Ambulance Brigade, S'pore. Padang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 22 Mar 1945 [39] Muntok.